Saturday, June 2, 2012

Down the rabbit hole // Pád do zajačej nory

There is a first time for everything, this is my first time in USA...

I named this "blog series" Adela in wonderland because I feel like in one. First let me tell about the beginnig of my journey....

All of this started...well to be honest I do not know when it acctually stared. I wanted to do work and travel program for quite a long time and I decided my 20 years is the best time for that!! (yes I do know I cannot drink here and no I dont have a problem with that.) I just couldn´t wait to see it here! So I went to the agency I got everything done and now, here I am in DC.

In february I got hired to Hard Rock Cafe in Washington DC as a server. I was really excited to see how it is in the US capitol. For now I can tell, it is realy hot!

My journey started in Prague, than I transfered flights in Copenhagen and 13hours later I was getting of the plane in DC. My last glass of vine, and here it goes! freedom, they say...

First thing you will find out is that american people are much chattier that czech or slovak ones! In bus from Dulles airport I met young couple returning from their honeymoons from Italy. I will save you all the talking about how great Italy and Europe is, and what should I try in DC and I will tell you just the important stuff: DO NOT GET MARRIED BEFORE 25!!! That was the advice I was given, so As I already passed you those smart words lets continue.

So here I was, alone in DC. Just a young girl from Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia, in Washington DC, USA. How exciting is that?! I arrived on friday May 25, just at the beggining of Memmorial Day Weekend! There was no other choice, but to visit War Memmorials, see Rolling Thunder rolling through the city, hear their speeches next to memmorials, see the Memmorial day parade and Memmorial Day concert at the capitol.

First of all: never visit memmorials at memmorial day! I saw "true spirit of Memmorial Day weekend". As by spirit we mean hundreds of people just slowly wandering around.
Secondly: wear sunblock! Oh how silly I am everytime I think: I wont get sunburn. Guess what? Yes you´re right! I did!
Lastly: if visiting Memmorial Day concert, sit right next to the CBS radio reporter doing live hints every 30minutes. I am telling from personal experience :) You will see media in work! Guy with the coolist work, he is covering parties! Who wouldnt want to do that? Compulsory go to parties? Count me in! But as everyone I need to start from the bottom, so at least I did interview with him. About my point of view of Memmorial Day as non american. (He gave me his business card so instread of writing down my opinion I will try to get the interview from him! stay tuned!! :D )

I am guessing this is it so far. I promise I will keep in touch so that you guys can enjoy my new advantures (at least I hope it will be adventurous summer!)


Všetko je raz po prvý raz, toto je môj prvý raz v USA...

Túto časť môjho blogu som nazvala Adela v krajine zázrakov, pretože presne tak sa tu cítim. Začnime teda na začiatku mojej cesty...

Všetko to začalo...vlastne popravde ani neviem kedy presne to začalo. Work and travel program som chcela skúsiť už nejakú chvíľu a rozhodla som sa že mojich 20 rokov je na to ideálny čas!! (áno viem, že tu nemôžem piť a nie nemám s tým problém). Proste som sa nemohla dočkať kým to tu uvidím. A tak som šla do agentúry, všetko dohodla a zrazu som tu, v DC.

Vo februári som bola prijatá na pozíciu servírky v Hard Rock Cafe vo Washingtne DC. Bola som veľmi zvedavá ako je v hlavnom meste Spojených štátov. Zatiaľ môžem povedať, je tu veľmi teplo!

Moja cesta začala v Prahe, prestupovala som v Kodani a 13 hodín neskôr som vystupovala v DC. Môj posledný pohár vína a je to tu, sloboda! ako sa hovorí...

Prvá vec ktorú si uvedomíte, Američania sú omnoho zhovorčivejší ako Česi alebo Slováci. V autobuse cestou z letiska Dulles som strela mladý pár, ktorý sa vracal z ich medových týždňov v Taliansku. Ušetrím vás toho aké úžasné je Taliansko a Európa, a toho čo všetko treba v DC skúsiť a zažiť a poviem vám len to dôležité: NEŽENTE A NEVYDÁVAJTE SA PRED 25kou!! To bola rada ktorú som dostala, teraz keď som vám už povedala tieto múdre slová, môžeme pokračovať.

Tak som teda bola sama v DC. Mladé dievča z Liptovského Mikuláša zo Slovenskej Republiky, vo Washingtone DC, Spojených Štátoch Amerických. Ako vzrušujúco to znie?! Priletela som v piatok, 25. mája, presne na začiatok sviatočného víkendu osláv Amerického sviatku všetkých padlých vojakov (voľný preklad). Bolo rozhodnuté! Je potrebné navštíviť všetky vojnové pamätníky, vidieť jazdu Rolling thunder cez mesto, počuť prejavy veteránov hneď vedľa pamätníkov, pozrieť si sviatočný pochod a ísť na sviatočný koncert v kapitole.

Za prvé: nikdy nenavštevujte vojenské pamätníky na sviatok všetkých padlých vojakov. Videla som "pravú atmosféru dňa padlých vojakov". Ak atmosférou myslíme stovky ľudí pomaly sa presúvajúcich hore dole...
Druhé: natrite sa opaľovacím krémom! Aká som len hlúpa vždy keď si vravím: Veď sa nespálim. Hádajte čo? Presne tak! Spálila som sa!
Posledné: ak sa rozhodnete navštíviť koncert usporiadaný na počesť všetkých padlých vojakov, sadnite si vedľa reportéra rádia CBS, ktorý robí každú polhodinu živé vstupy. Môžem odporúčať na základe osobnej skúsenosti :) Uvidíte média v akcii! Chlapík mal snáď najlepšiu prácu, bol zodpovedný za pokrývanie všetkých párty! Kto by to nechcel? Povinne chodiť na party? Rátajte so mnou! Avšak tak ako každý, musím začať odspodu, tak som s ním urobila aspoň rozhovor v ktorom sa pýtal ako vnímam ich Sviatok všetkých padlých vojakov z pohľadu neameričana. (Namiesto toho aby som tu opisovala svoj názor sa ho pokúsim skontaktovať na mail ktorý mi dal a zohnať rozhovor. Zostaňte naladení!! :D )

Myslím že to je nateraz všetko. Sľubujem, že sa znova ozvem aby ste si mohli užívať moje dobrodružstvá (teda aspoň dúfam že to bude leto plné dobrodružstiev).


Saturday, February 25, 2012 time flies by...

So, I had no time to get to this blog for a few days....I m new to this, I have to get use to idea regular sharing.

Here is what happend in past two weeks. I created collage, using picasa, since I really cannot figure out how photoshop works (and also I do not have time to try figure out right now. But I swear I will try sometime)

In the first and 14th picture is wax hearth made from candles which were dediceted to Vaclav Havel after his death. A lot o people went to Venceslas Square in Prague and lighted up a candle for him. Love the hearth. Great idea. I´ve seen report about it on the internet and found it in Prague in front of theatre when I was going for ballet class. So this is what happened. I started doing ballet. Again. I did it when I was a child and stopped when I was...14 or 15 probably. I didn´t know I missed it so much! But I did! Glad that I am doing it again! Also I started pilates class. That is great too.

Second picture is just my lunch today...nothing special but so colorful :)

Third one, and one under it are pictures from Český Krumlov. I´ve been there last weekend for two days. Really lovely city. So picturesque. It is like to be in the middle of fairytale. Second biggest castle in Czech Republic is there and also one of  the best preserved baroque theaters. I took a trip there with my new american friends who are studying in Prague for one semester and they just got here two or three weeks ago. Also there is a picture of meal in third row which is from Krumlov. It was in vegetarian restaurant called Laibon. D E L I C I O U S. And the waiter was so much fun! If you ever go there you have to eat in Laibon!

Speaking (writing) of America. Another exciting thing that happened. I got a job in Washington DC for the summer. I am going to be a server in Hard Rock Cafe. Looking forward to it!! :) Hope you are excited for me and you will read all of my upcoming american posts :)

Another picture in collage is view from the tower on Charles bridge. It was few days ago, really sunny day. Hope spring is coming soon :)

Oh! I almost forgot. Biggest new- I turned 20!! There is a picture of me with two cakes from my friends, than there is a funny picture of me and my friend during celebration party and me and bunch of friends same night.

Than there are in the collage two badges. One is dedicated to 10th aniversary of my faculty which was in the year 2010 and the other says "I want free universities" that is because in Czech Republic right now minister of education wants to reform universities, but academics do not like the way he wants to do it. There would be a lot to explain. But the point is that students are protesting and thats the reason I bought this badget.

Last two things in collage: Books from Nietze and Sartre. I simply have to read for school. this semester I have philosophy oral exam. I have to read 12 books and I cannot get myself to read at least one! So I had to put my friends Nietze and Sartre there to remind me that I have to start reading!

The very last thing is picture of my new LBD I bought at ASOS for my two balls which are taking place next weekend and weekend after. I am really excited :)

Ok. I think thats all that happend...Will post something soon o I do not have to do collage from two weeks again :) although it was quite fun.

Bises <3

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Me, myself, I and Ade

Hi! So...this is going to be my first post... I couldn´t think of better way to start my blog than Self Challange.  I am starting with challenging and introducing myself. So...this is me, myself, I and Ade... nice to meet you guys :)

 Obsessing over...

Lately I am obsessing over baking: cupcakes, muffins, icings, frostings... It looks so stylish!...on the internet, or in the books...not mine though...have to try harder and practice!

Working on...

Now I am working on getting a work...but I should be working on an essay to university....
I am also working on Faculty Ball with few of my friends. I have to is muh stresfull than I thought it would be, but I hope it will work out perfectly!

Thinking about...

...about how strange it is how life can change in a year. In a few days I am going to be 20. My teen years will be officially over and I am being sentimental...silly I know, but I am entering a new phase in my life. Year ago, I thought I would be in a different place now, with different people. This does not mean I don´t like place where I stand right now, and people who stay by my side. Not at all! When something works out differently than I thought it would, I like to thing than this is how it´s supposed to be. So I am glad than it is how it is, I just can´t help myself thinking about my mood, friends, activities and stuff from a year ago.


My 20th burthday! But more than that I anticipate summer! I am going crazy in this cold weather and I can think up hundreds of summer plans, so I hope that I will have a chance to realise at least few of them when summer arrives.

Listening to...

A bit same as thinking...I listen to music I was listening year ago. Facebook introduced this "perfect" thing -- timeline...and I was "forced" to put it on my profile when I wanted to register myself on pinterest (great thing by the way, chceck it out if you do not know it yet)... so now I have timeline, and I can very easily see my actions from february 2011 and I was doing "Song challenge" I was posting different song every day for 30days. Songs that makes me happy, sad, songs I like, songs I don´t, songs that reminds me of people, places and so on. So now I listened to songs I listened to a year ago.

But what I ran accross lately is "Rooney" and album "Eureka"...I literally can´t ge enough of "I can´t get enough

And at this exact moment I am listening to Kate Nash, because I was in the mood for optimistic and energic music. 


Pasta mostly...with cheese, with ketchup, with vegetagles......and when I do not eat pasta I eat pancakes! these are two of the least complicated meals that I as a student can make! 


I guess nothing exact....I just wish everything will be OK and I will have lot of reasons for smile. And I hope you will have too! :)